Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Tuesday March 13, 2007

We passed another week end here at St. Jude's. We had an appointment on Saturday morning so the doctor on call could check on Sophie's stomach. The wait to see the doctor was longer than the appointment. The doctor took one look at her and said she looked and sounded good. We then went to Babies R Us to look for a stroller since we couldn't find one at Target. We decided to buy a jogging stroller because it holds up to 50 pounds, and that was the only one strong enough to hold Sophie now that she weighs 40 pounds. We ended up buying the floor model because they had no more in stock, and Sophie enjoyed testing out the stroller in the store.

This week end was nice to be able to give Sophie a bath without having to tape saran wrap and bandages all over her port. She HATES the tape, and that makes it difficult to bathe her without getting the port wet.

We never made it to the zoo. We should have though because the temperture was close to 80 and sunny and gorgeous. But after church and stopping to play at the Ronald McDonald House playground, Sophie was just too tired and needed to nap. The radiation makes her really tired and we think she was still recovering from the night of no sleep on Thursday, and the hour we lost on Saturday.

Today we completed our fifth radiation treatment. I wish I could day that Sophie is getting better about the sedation, but she still fights it. Monday she had the port reaccessed after the week end and she did okay. She calmed down a little when I promised her she wouldn't have to be poked again for 7 days. Usually when the nurses come at her with the alcohol pad or the flush, she instantly starts saying, "close my shirt, is it time to close my shirt?"

I wish I cold say I kept my promise - while we were sleeping on Monday night, she rolled over, woke me up and said, "I think my port came out." So I lifted up her shirt, and there it was, needle and all. Need less to say we had to have it reaccessed this morning for radiation sedation and then blood was drawn for labs. Sophie was NOT happy this morning. We had physical therapy and she tired easily, but did brighten up for her oncology clinic appointment.

Her digestive system is working much better. We have been continuing to give her the laxative daily so that we don't have to worry about tummy aches. She still has a pretty good appetite despite the radiation that normally causes the side effect of appetite loss. We are trying to find high fiber tings for her to eat, but like most 3 year olds, she isn't crazy about broccoli.

It's hard to tell if her symptoms are getting better because she is so tired. She'll take a few steps and then want to be carried. Her right foot seems to be turning in a little and her right hand is still weak. She is definitely showing the weight gain in her face and belly, resembling kids who have been on steroids for a while. On the up side, I thought I saw a tiny corner of the right side of her mouth move when she smiled at her clinic appointment. We are told that she should show noticeable improvements of her symptoms by the end of the second week of radiation - that means by next Friday. We are excited that the radiation is progressing, but the feeling is somewhat bittersweet; knowing that after the treatment, relapse usually follows, and can be as early as 6 months post radiation.

Sometimes, it is hard to be happy, and other times, I'm surprised that I am able to function normally. On Saturday Sophie said, "I'm not sure I want to turn five. I only want to go to kindergarten if you can come with me." I instantly thought that it's realistic that she won't go to kindergarten and it made me so sad. I lie next to her in bed each night and rub her back, hoping that the power of my love could melt that ice cube. Sometimes I can't believe that there is a big tumor growing in her pretty little head, and I start to wonder just how long it has been there doing it's damage. I also find myself feeling guilty at times for not seeing the symptoms sooner, even though I know it wouldn't have made any difference in her prognosis. I get angry at myself for being so impatient when she didn't want to dress herself, or go potty by herself. I feel guilty that I listened to those people who said it was a phase, and I feel guilty for being so frustrated when she woke up so many times night after night. The only thing that gets me through is giving my feelings to God. That is the only explanation that I can think of for me being able to function as well as I am - that and all your prayers and support. I just keep telling myself over and over, that whatever is meant to happen has already been mapped out by God, and all I can ask for is the strength to deal with whatever God gives me. I try to remember all the fun times we have had and all the wonderful memories that are stored in my mind. I look forward to a healthy summer of more happy memories and just try to take one day at a time. Please contimue to pray for us, we need that day to day support.


Anonymous said...

I wish that I had some magical words that could ease some of the pain you're going through, or that could bring you a moment of peace. Try to rest when you can, and be assured that our prayers are behind you throughout each day. We won't stop praying for Sohpie's miracle!

Kim, Chris, Grace, Reagan & Kayla

Anonymous said...

Your faith WILL pull you through and please know that our prayers will not stop for you, Marc, Sarah and especially, beautiful little Sophie. He WILL continue to provide the strength and courage for you to take it one day at a time. Please know that you are all in His hands.
God Bless you,
Tim and Barb Fahey

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to take a moment to let you know how much you are loved and that we are praying for you and precious Sophie. I have faith in knowing that she has the best guardian angel and any little girl could ask for.

Jennifer, Carl, Brandon, Madison & Jack

Anonymous said...

Oh Emily, your faith, courage amd serenity are an inspiration to us all. I am so very, very proud of you. Marc.....try and get a run in every day.....that's as important to your entire well-being as eating healthy. Sarah, Kevin, and Ed....this web site is appreciated beyond words. Hug and kiss the girls for us, as we love you all so very much.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marc and Emily and family,
Just a note to let you know you are in our thoughts and prayers. Your honesty and openness are incredible. You ARE being God's grace to all who care about you! RCIA has you in prayer always as does the rest of Holy Spirit. Sophie's pictures are in the bulletin. You are a blessings to many. God will continue to be a presence to you...keep praying and when you can't...know that we are!
love, Pat Kassay

Anonymous said...

To all the Quayle Family,
Still thinking and praying for the whole family, and for Sophie especially!!
May the peace of Christ be with you all.

Ed Kilroy and Family

Anonymous said...

Marc and Emily,
This is Sarah Regan, not sure if you remember me (Maria Holaday's babysitter back in Legend Hills). My husband Tom, and I, wanted to send along our thoughts and prayers. I have just finished reading all of your posts and I find your strength absolutely amazing and uplifting. I hope that you feel God's presence and surrounding love every single day and see it in every single smile. God Bless all of you.

Anonymous said...

It is heartbreaking, yet beautiful to read the updates you post. Your capacity for love is so immense! Your ability to share that love with Sophie as you care for her in such comprehensive and difficult ways is inspiring. May God continue to give you His strength!

Anonymous said...

I haven't stopped thinking and praying for you since Maria told me your news. Please know that Dan and I are praying for you as well as many others in our Bible studies.As a nurse, I have seen many miricles in the medical field, ones that are only explained by God. We are all praying for one of those for your family. I am sorry it took a situation like this to get in touch with you, but when my sister in Christ needs prayers, time doesn't matter. The Lord knows you are standing faithful to Him, He will hold you tight and never let go.
Psalm 29:11
"The Lord gives strength to His people; the Lord blesses His people with peace".
Love, Dan and Carey Mack

Anonymous said...

I found Sophie's website through PrayersFromMaria.com, and I am now checking updates daily and praying very hard for her healing! May God's strength and peace be with you, Sophie, and your family.

Anonymous said...

Dear Emily,
We've watched you care for Sophie with such love and tenderness. We know how you're aching, and see how strong you are. You are doing a terrific job. How well you understand unconditional love.
We are proud to say that you're our daughter, and we will be at your side through these difficult times.

Anonymous said...

You may be struggling with feelings of guilt, but your posts tell the story of a mother who is handling this with grace and love and, most importantly, faith. Believe in yourself and the care you are providing for Sophie. I am quite certain that she thinks you are the best Mommy in the whole world!
Paula Koziol

Unknown said...

Dear Emily,
I certainly share the sentiments of your parents in the note above. I can't even imagine what you must be going through. You are doing an amazing job. But I'm not the least bit surprised. Afterall, look at the two people who brought you into this world.
God bless and keep all of you. And know that all of you are in my daily prayers.
Love always,
Uncle Joe

Anonymous said...

Marc, I'm so glad that your dad and Kathy are in Memphis with you for a few days and I'm also so glad that Sarah has you to take care of her during this difficult time. I noticed what a loving father you were to little Sophie at the Jeric family reunion and I saw how proud you were of her as she sat up on you shoulders and you intrduced her to me. A father introduces his children to the world and your two little girls are blessed to have you as their own. I hope to see your family again this year at our reunion. Sophie is going to show us all a beautiful mircle. God bless you, Marc and Emily keep your faith strong. Your beautiful family is truly an inspiration and the love and energy that is being bestowed upon you all is awesome. All my love and respect,Aunt Lynne