Thursday, February 21, 2008


Just a short post to reflect on today as the one year anniversary of Sophie's diagnosis and the day our lives were forever changed. Included at the end of this post is a song entitled, "Held". (You just have to click on the arrow to hear it.) Megan told me about this song a few months ago, and I've wanted to include it in a post since. The lyrics are an accurate description of how I feel everyday. I know I am blessed to be here and to have survived this ordeal. God has gotten me through the past year and reminds me everyday of my ultimate goal of being reunited again with Sophie.

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." The Lord says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." "I command you - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." "When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them and honor them." "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand."
JER 29:11 PS 32:8 JOS 1:9 PS 91:15 ISA 41:10

I miss Sophie more than anyone could begin to understand, and would give anything to hold and hug her again. Somedays I still get angry that this happened to Sophie, but then I force myself to think about how much fun she is having in heaven. I thank God for getting me through each day. I thank God for bringing so many of you into my life. Often times, I am amazed that I did survive, but I know that it was nothing that I did, it was all the work of God.  Even though Sophie died just 4 months ago in October, I really feel like the "sacred was torn from our lives" one year ago today. Today and everyday I am "HELD," and for that I thank God and all of you.

One year ago today, our life was normal, we were happy, we spent our days with Sophie and she was the highlight of every day. Today, she is only here in spirit and her beautiful body is buried beneath the frozen ground a few miles from our house. Gosh how we miss her. To those of you who are lucky enough to spend each day with a miracle(s) hug them extra tight today and realize how blessed and lucky you are. Live each day as though one year from today you may not be with them.

Sophie, we love you, we miss you, you are forever in our hearts.



Anonymous said...

I hope you both climb into your big warm bed tonight and hold each other sooooo close. Love Aunt Lynne

Anonymous said...

I hope you and Marc felt HELD up by all of the prayers and love being sent your way by oh so many of us today. My thoughts turned to your family often throughout the day.
Sophie has been and remains an inspiration to many-but please remember that you, too, are an amazing example of strength and faithfulness to our sisterhood of mothers! Sophie certainly must be proud of how you are carrying yourself and testifying about your faith!
In eternal time, it will be just moments now before Sophie will be held again in your embrace!

Anonymous said...

This morning, like many, Grace told me that she misses her "best playgroup friend" and is thinking of her. Sophie and all of you will always be in our hearts as well.

We're praying for you.

Chris, Kim, Grace, Reagan & Kayla

Anonymous said...

your strength and courage has touched not only my life but our extended family. I cannot imagine what you are going through as parents, as a mother seeing your strength is inspiring. May God hold you and Marc tonight and in all the moments when you need his comfort.

Many prayers and Hugs-

Anonymous said...

Dear Emily,
Tuesday I was driving by Little Learners at about 10:45AM and I had a very clear memory of last year when I was right behind you in the pick up line and Miss Kelly leaned into your car to tell you something. We now know what she was telling you. Oh how I wish I could erase the last year. I am so sorry.

For all of you reading this blog - one thing you can do for Sophie besides pray for her family is tell someone about the disease that took her life - someone who has never heard of a glioma. The first step towards a cure is AWARENESS.

As always - our prayers will continue - for strength, healing and peace for you and your family.

With LOVE and HOPE,

Anonymous said...

Wow, Wow, Wow, the last line your blog completely touched me, and really made me stop for a moment and think, TRULY think about what you said, as I sit at my desk and cry..."To those of you who are lucky enough to spend each day with a miracle(s) hug them extra tight today and realize how blessed and lucky you are. Live each day as though one year from today you may not be with them." What a profound statement, and I must tell you, my little boy will be held a little tighter tonight because of that. God bless you and your family, my heart aches for you each and every day. And as I've told you in the past, a single day does not go by that I don't think about your adorable, BEAUTIFUL Sophie.

God bless you,
Christina Gomez

Anonymous said...

Dear Marc and Emily,
Thinking back over this past year, I am so thankful for so many small miracles. Not for a second were you ever alone, nor are you in these difficult days. Hold your faith and one another tight. Sophie will always be my first grandchild and I am forever changed for having known her, and seen the strength and courage with which you both carried yourselves. I couldn't be more proud than I am of the two of you. We love you and Sarah so very, very much.

Anonymous said...


I have no words ~ I just wanted you to know how much we care.

Lori Simmons

Anonymous said...

Dear Emily,

I thought about you a hundred times yesterday. I thought of bringing you flowers - and yet I thought I might be intruding. You are such an inspiration. I hope someday to be half the Christian woman you are.

I continue to pray for comfort for you.


Anonymous said...

Marc and Emily,
I think of your family everyday. I do remember one year ago that Josh (my brother) called to tell me that Marc had called and told him the awful news about Sophie. I called Josh often to see how sweet Sophie was doing. Our smallest Olivia(who is 3 years old) loves the song played on the website and asks me often to put the "Sophie song" on. What a beautiful girl. Enjoy little Sarah!

Anonymous said...

Oh Emily, I just wish that you never had to endure this. I really like what one of the previous posts said about how proud Sophie is of you right now. That is so true. She is so proud of her mommy's faith and strength!!! I know that I am very proud to know you and call you my friend.
Love, Misty

Anonymous said...

Emily and Marc,
I wish I had the words that could take your pain away. Emily I will say that recently I have started praying more to OUR BLESSED MOTHER MARY. She also knows the pain of having your child taken away.I'm praying she can ease the terrible pain you are going threw.Try to concentrate on the silly things you know Sophie is doing in heaven, how she is making so many laugh instead of how much it hurts to miss her. Sophie knows how much Daddy and Mommy love her, as she loves you both, Sarah and all of your family.
My love and prayers will continue for all of you.
Kathy Auvil

Anonymous said...

While it means little in the midst of your pain, know that we are praying for you and your extended family and friends.

The world is a better place because she was here.

Anonymous said...


I first learned of Sophie back in May when I started my CRHP formation process. I prayed for her every day after that, and can honestly tell you a piece of my heart broke when I learned of her passing. Today, I continue to pray, that she is in heaven and that your family has the strength to forge ahead, each day. Thank you for sharing your story so openly with all of us; your faith and Christian witness are an inspiration to me. May God continue to bless you and your family, and grant you much needed peace and comfort.

Anonymous said...

Continuing to pray for you and your family. Sophie is smiling down on you all and watching over you everyday!! God Bless

Anonymous said...

Dear Emily and Marc
Me and my family think and pray for you and your family and for Sophie up in Heaven everyday. We pray that someday your pain will ease and that you know that Sophie is watching you everyday. All of your posts are so spiritual and honest and loving. You both are amazing and we know that Sophie is so proud of you. We will continue to pray for you and pray that God watches over you and your family and is keeping Sophie happy and safe with Him in Heaven.

Anonymous said...

Emily and Marc, I think, about you every day and pray, for the Quayle family. You are both so amazing,and Emily you have such a beautiful way, with words. I know I told you this, before, but you really should write a book, about sweet Sophie. Take care, dear friends, and God bless. Love, Jan Witucki

Sara said...

Your are always in our thoughts and prayers. I admire your courage and will hold my miracle extra tight. Sara

Anonymous said...

I pray for you everyday and think of Sophie throughout the day. I wanted to pass along this website of a little girl...maybe this can be of some help for the future of treatments/research.

God Bless!