Friday, March 7, 2008

More Thoughts After 5 Months Without Sophie

I thought of something that I wanted to include on my post yesterday.  We finally talked to the doctor at St. Jude who is the head of the pathology/biopsy study that we donated Sophie's tumor to after she died.  (A wonderful foundation called Tyler's Treehouse funded this study; see for more information about another DIPG warrior.

Marc talked to Dr. Broniser and he confirmed it was indeed a high grade glioma, very aggressive and the fast growing kind; and in good condition too (whatever that means).

We have heard mixed sentiments about our decision to donate Sophie's tumor.  Believe me, it was not an easy one.  First because we did not have the paperwork ready and we were under a time crunch, and also because on the night she died, the last thing I wanted to do was ship her body off to a hospital without me.  Something kept telling me that donating the tumor was what we should do, and in my heart I knew that Sophie would really want to help someone else if she could.  My parents accompanied the hearse down to Akron where the biopsy was performed and said that the doctor there (who came it at 4:00am to do the surgery free of charge) was wonderful.
On another note, I had asked the question to Sophie's doctor at St. Jude while we were there for radiation if Sophie's organs would be eligible for donation in the event of her death.  At the time, it was hard for me to think of her dying, but still I wanted to know.  I was disappointed to hear that because her body had been exposed to chemo and radiation her body could not be used for anything.   On the night she died, I remembered the conversation we had had, and knew that since we couldn't help another child by donating Sophie's organs, we should probably donate the tumor in an effort to help someone else.
I would like to call Dr. Broniser again at St. Jude to ask him more specific questions...if I can get the courage up.  You know the information that it provides us won't help us now, but there are still things that I still would like to learn about that stupid tumor.
After Sophie's diagnosis, we thought that maybe Sophie's tumor was slow growing because the symptoms had a longer period of onset.  It all makes sense now though, because she only survived 7 months; which would be indicative of a fast growing tumor.  It makes me think that the answer to our question, "Has she had it since birth?" is "No."

I also wanted to post this story from Tamara Ekis (Grace's Mom).  I was so touched when she told me this at the Soiree and I wanted to post these rainbow pictures as well.  Below are Tamara's words...

On February 6, we were having odd weather in Pittsburgh.  It was raining, snowing, and the sun was shining all at once.  As I looked out of our back windows, I saw a beautiful, full rainbow over the new houses behind us.  I ran to the couch to get Grace so that I could take her out on the deck to see it.  Brian said to get the camera and he would get Grace.  So, Brian picked her up and we all went out.  When we got out on the deck, there was not one rainbow, but two.  Two beautiful, perfect rainbows.  The colors were so vibrant, it was incredible. 
Unfortunately, I had not realized that the SD card was still in the computer, and not the camera.  By the time I realized and got the card out of the computer, the second rainbow had faded and one stood alone.  We took pictures of it, feeling a bit sad to have missed the two.
The kids were so excited to see the rainbows and, even though I marveled at their beauty, I instantly knew that Grace would only be with us a short while longer.  I knew in my heart that the two rainbows were Maria and Sophie, coming to get Grace and take her to heaven with them.  You see, I had been very worried about Grace going to heaven without me being there to hold her hand, and distraught about the fact that she wouldn't know anyone.   As the warm tears streamed down my face, I told Brian that I knew it was them.  They would be coming back very soon.
Additionally, a neighbor had called to tell us that there looked to be a rainbow coming right out from Grace's bedroom window and Susan (our good friend you met at the Soiree) told us that even though she was on her deck a mere two houses away, she did not see the second rainbow. 
We saw a second rainbow....we saw the signs of Sophie and Maria..... 


Marian said...

What a beautiful post. Thanks for sharing it!!

Anonymous said...

Emily and Marc, I'm excited to recieve my magnet and I ordered one for my niece too. They are beautiful and I'll be ordering more, you can bet. I'm so proud of you both, and Sophie is in my thoughts WAY more than you will ever know. SOMEDAY A BEAUTIFUL CHILD WILL SURVIVE THIS tumer. I can see it. We can see it.........All my Love, Sophie's great aunt, Lynne

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily & Marc

I agree with your decison of donating the tumor to St. Jude I know that if anything happens to Dasia I will do the same. We think about you all, all the time and keep you close in our prayers. The story of the 2 rainbows is beautiful just like the 2 girls it represents.

Anonymous said...

You could not have honored Sophie more than by donating her tumor. We love you all so much.

Anonymous said...

A friend of ours sent an email with on the trailer, and I found your page listed among the friends they'd made while dealing with their own son's illness. For whatever reason Sophie's link jumped out at me, and I've spent the last 30 minutes looking at your site and thinking about your family. We just had a son a few months ago, and I already can't imagine life without him. I'm looking at the videos of Sophie, and it's all I can do to imagine how you must feel. She is so beautiful and was such a cute little girl. I'm so very sorry for your loss. I've been crying since the page first loaded. You are on my heart and will be in my prayers. God bless you.

Anonymous said...

I too was looking at Ethan's website in January, and the same thing happened to me. Sophie's website caught my eye, and my heart has been heavy ever since. My 7 year old saw me on Sophie's website, heard her song, and now he often talks about Sophie and has drawn pictures and cards for Sophie. He is trying to get his 1st grade class to access Sophie's website to learn about her story.
Emily, I can't put into words the admiration I have for you. You are making such positive things happen from your situation, thank you for your strength, honesty and belief and for sharing with us. Because of you, I hug my little boys tighter and don't let the small things bother me, I just love them.You will make a differnce in this world, you already have in mine. thank you............

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily,

I just wanted you to know I received my 2 magnets today in the mail. They are beautiful! I put one on my car for people to see and also one on my fridge for when people come over. I am so hopeful that more research will be done to find a cure for this type of tumor. You're using Sophie's memory for such an amazing and worthy cause, I just know God will bless you for it! I have felt this burden for Sophie and you all (even though I've never met you)since I first started reading her blog nearly a year ago. I think your focus and goals are astounding Emily and pray that your hard work along with the Prayers for Maria Foundation will make the impact needed and deserved. God bless and take care!

Molly Kofchur (:

Anonymous said...

I have been able to share Sophie's story three times in this past week that the magnets have been on our cars. No one ever asked me about the gray awareness ribbon magnet, but Sophie's rainbow is making people more aware!!!
Thinking of you always,

Anonymous said...

Tamara's story gave me chills and there is a reason God is putting you together.