Thursday, March 20, 2008

Save the Date!!!!!!

Announcing the First Annual Smiles For Sophie Forever 5K Run/Walk!!!!!!!!

We are so excited to share with you this preliminary information about the first event we will be having as a part of our new non-profit organization that is currently in the works.  We are hoping that the State and IRS paperwork will be approved sometime very soon!

The run/walk will be held on the morning of July 4, 2008 here in Avon Lake, Ohio.  This idea has been in the back of our minds for some time now, and we weren't sure how to go about it. But after some tremendous support and encouragement from some very special people, we decided to make it a go.  Many of you know that Sophie was born on the 4th of July and we thought this was a perfect way to celebrate her first birthday in heaven, as well as launch our latest endeavor...Smiles For Sophie Forever  --- A Foundation Confronting Pediatric Brain Cancer.

The picture I posted was taken in May of 2006 when Marc ran the Cleveland Marathon. Marc stopped when we met him along the route to have his picture taken with Sophie in the rain.  Sophie was excited to wear the "Run Daddy Run" shirt and I know on July 4th, she will be watching us and saying, "Run, Supporters Run!"

In addition to the Run/Walk on July 4th, there will be other ways for adults and children to have fun; in case you aren't a runner or walker.   We want this event to be for the entire family so we will have something for everyone and of course we will have either a giant birthday cake, or tons of cupcakes!

We do realize that this is a holiday weekend and a time for family, celebrations and traditions. But it is our hope that you will realize the importance of our mission of raising awareness and funds to cure pediatric brain cancer, and to help those afflicted.  Perhaps this event could become one of your new "traditions" as we plan to hold the race each year on July 4th.

We are currently seeking volunteers to help with our cause.  We need help with planning the details of the event, as well as volunteers to work on race day.

If you are interested, in helping, please contact Kristin Van Euwen at or 440 781-1179.

We will be having our first planning meeting on Wednesday April 9, 2008 at Swingos Grand Tavern on Walker Road in Avon Lake.  We will start the meeting at 6:30pm.  If you are planning on coming, please RSVP Kristin, so we know how many to expect.  If you cannot be there at 6:30, please feel free to come any time after.  We'd be honored if you would share this information with anyone who might be interested in helping with our cause.

We thank you all ahead of time for your commitment and dedication.  Of course we would like to give a huge thank you to Kristin Van Euwen and Mo Loesch for all the work they have done already!

Also, while I am thanking people, we want to express our gratitude to those of you who have bought the "Sophie" magnets.   In addition to our family and friends, many "strangers" have bought them too, and that is awesome!  Just the other day I was driving and saw a magnet on the back of a car that I did not recognize, and that made my day.  I love to know that awareness is being spread by people who we've never met!  Thank you! Thank you!  There are still magnets available, so if you would like one, we encourage you to place your order.

Each holiday without Sophie is difficult.  On St. Patrick's Day, I remembered that last year we were at St. Jude and Sophie participated in a few activities in the patient lobby.  I vividly remember her wanting to stop at the "nail painting station" where she picked the brightest green they had.  She was so excited, even though she was tired after having just woken up from sedation/radiation.  This St. Patrick's Day, Marc and I went to pick out the memorial monument for Sophie's grave.  Boy how things have changed.

We have been receiving Easter cards from so many very thoughtful people.  And we are thankful for the support and prayers you send our way.

Last Easter we attended the Easter Vigil for Marc's confirmation.  I remember Sophie was so excited to put her Easter dress on and have her hair curled.  She was so good in church even though it was a long service.  We miss her so much.

Happy Easter to all of you.  May you realize the miracle of this day, and how truly blessed we all are.

Don't forget to save the dates: July 4th, 2008 and April 9, 2008.


Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers will be with you and with Sophie this Easter Sunday. Love to you all.

Anonymous said...

We will be THRILLED to honor Sophie this year on July 4th and in the coming years, too! It will be the new Koziol family Independence Day tradition!
Sending extra prayers your way this weekend.

Anonymous said...

We too would like to make this a annual trip!!!! The kids are excited to watch me run :)


Anonymous said...

Dear Emily,

I think this run/walk for Sophie is awesome! I only wish I lived closer because I would be there to participate. I love the picture too, are you using that to advertise for it? You should. I will be thinking of that event on July 4th, I know it will be a wonderful experience for everyone included, especially you and your family! How blessed Sophie was (and Sarah is!) to have you and Marc as parents.

You know, I just have to say again how amazed I am at your courage and determination. Just yesterday I was sharing her story with another friend and it hit me again how much awareness is needed, like you said. My friend had never heard of dipg, asked me questions and was horrified at the course of this disease. She said compassion is a wonderful thing but acting upon it puts it into practice. I agree! Sophie has a little place in my heart and I will tell more people her story to raise awareness. God bless you and Marc for your efforts and focus. Have a great night!

Molly Kofchur (:

I almost forgot, another friend asked me about the beautiful magnet on my car so I was able to share with her Sophie's story. Those magnets really are eye catching and so pretty (:

Anonymous said...

I bet Sophie is going to have the most amazing Easter celebration in Heaven!!!! Can you imagine? :)

Quayle family, enjoy your holiday weekend, and may thoughts of rainbows and Sophie's beautiful smile help you get through this holiday!

Take care and God bless,
Christina Gomez

Anonymous said...

I'll sure be thinking of you, Emily, and your whole family this Easter weekend. What a beautiful picture of Marc and Sophie! All my love and support, Aunt Lynne

Anonymous said...

Quayle Family,

Many months ago I found your website through Ethan Powell's. Sophie captured my heart and I've been checking in on your family ever since. I am one of the "strangers" who purchased two of Sophie's beautiful magnets. Just the other day someone asked about the magnet and I was honored to share Sophie's story as well as spread the word about pediatric brain tumors. I hope to continue to spread the word here in Kansas City.

I think of Sophie and your family often and wish you a wonderful Easter holiday.

-Leslie Brockert
Kansas City

Anonymous said...

P.S. I saw a little rainbow yesterday and I thought of your precious Sophie, as I will now for the rest of my life whenever I see one!

Anonymous said...

I too found your website through Ethan Powell's and I was just drawn to your beautiful Sophie. I pray for you and your family and please know that you are such an inspiration to so many people.

I purchased two of your magnets and many people have asked me about Sophie. Through such a hard time in your life, you are creating such a wonderful and positive ripple effect. I will continue to pray for your family and I just know that Sophie is looking down at you with a big smile. Emily and Marc, you are amazing parents and your love for Sophie will continue to shine through everything you do.

Alison Nebl

Anonymous said...

Marc & Emily,
It is so nice to know that even with Sophie in Heaven her life's mission lives on. You and Marc still totally amaze me with your love, strength and determination. God definately knew what he was doing when he gave you....Your Brave Little Soul Sophie. My love and prayers will continue with you both and your families.
Kathy Auvil

Anonymous said...

Dear Quayle Family-
Thank you for sharing your story because there is so much left to tell.

I know you are still grieving but you make me think of:

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

Maybe one day, we will understand His purpose.

My friend's child is suffering from the late stages of DIPG and their load is heavy now.

Your journey is proof that it is possible for other families to go on after the unthinkable.

I know there are no words to describe what your are going through; and how much you miss your precious Sophie.

There is not much I can say except you inspire me to look for good in all things.

I will continue to pray that God stays by your side and Sweet Sophie continues to send you messages.

God Bless You.

Anonymous said...

Yesterday we had a heavy rain followed by sun here in N.J. For the first time ever I saw a full rainbow, from end to end. It was amazing!! I stood on my front porch and just prayed and prayed for Sophie, Maria, and your families. They are not forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Marc and Emily:

I feel so honored to have participated in such a wonderful tribute to your little girl. I don't know how you did it. To be able to get up in front of 500 plus runners/walkers to share Sophie's story, celebrate her life, raise awareness, and celebrate her birthday...there are no words to adequately describe your courage and the love you have for your daughter. You did her proud and you touched every single one of us in that crowd. I will never, ever forget that beautiful July morning and plan on making it an annual Fourth of July tradition going forward.

I lost a brother to leukemia and a father to pancreatic cancer, and while I can't imagine your pain with the loss of a child, I am passionate about spreading awareness of some of the deadliest forms of cancer, which sadly don't receive the funding, research, and media attention that they should. Thank you for making us stand up and take notice.

God bless you, and please know how much of a difference Sophie made in so many lives. We will never forget her.

Laura K