Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Race Registration Is Officially Open!

We are excited to announce that registration for the 1st Annual Smiles For Sophie Forever Walk/Run is open.  You can register online using the link (look for it under the "Upcoming Events" section) on Sophie's new site.  If you do register online using active, you will have the opportunity to become a fundraiser for this event; you can do this individually or you can form a team.  All you have to do is create a basic page, and email it to your friends and family explaining the event and why you are running, and then ask them to consider "sponsoring" you. We are currently in the process of forming incentives for top fundraisers.  We encourage you to consider this as a means to raise additional funds for our cause.  

If you prefer not to register online, you can mail in the registration form, that you can download and print directly from Sophie's site.  If you would prefer to have a form mailed to you, please contact pkvaneuwen@oh.rr.com.

We are so excited that the event is "now official" and can't wait to see the registrations rolling in!  We are asking you to tell anyone and everyone you think would be interested in running or walking to support our cause.

We are also excited to announce our first 2 corporate sponsors.  One is Key Bank and the other is Fairview Hospital.    We are so grateful for the support of our community.

Thanks a million to all of you who are helping to make this event a success.


Anonymous said...

What great news about the corporate sponsers AND all the individual interest and support. All the work that you two are doing is really paying off. Sophie is leaving her footprint on the planet through you and all of those supporting you.

Anonymous said...

Marc and Emily,
I don't know any other way to get an email to you, but I wanted to share a story with you that a friend of mine shared in her blog. Monica Battle's 2 year old daughter, Isabella, has leukemia. They've been fighting since December 2007. I've kept up with Sophie's blog since the beginning and I'm keeping up with Isabella's. Monica shared a story in her latest that I think would resonate with you, especially Emily. I find that her observations and attention to detail match yours (you once talked about taking a walk and noticing a leaf or pinecone that Sophie would've liked or picked up, I remember that fine detail in your writing). And after you read this post I hope that you take a look at Sophie's shoes and thank the Lord that he blessed you with her, a Saint. She surely blessed my life here in Cincinnati, and I share her story whenever I can...perhaps even at your race in July everyone can look down at their (racing) shoes and see that by running they are contributing to such a wonderful cause, but most importantly to remember such a beautiful, beautiful girl.

"Isabella is sleeping and I am thinking…thinking…thinking…. I hope that you all are well and that your week is off to a good start. I found out today that we may be heading home as early as Wednesday this week. We go for a full body CAT scan on Wednesday morning and if her counts continue to rise we’ll be discharged. Isabella is still on three antibiotics and her regular anti fungal but she is feeling good. I’m not sure yet how much time we will have at home in between rounds, I’m hoping for another week. Thanks for the continued support for my family. It means so much to all of us.

Tonight I want to share a story with you.

While shopping for a new pair of summer sandals for Isabella (she has outgrown her other ones since we’ve been here. Actually, she is growing like a weed), I over hear a woman talking about another child’s shoes. She mentions that she wished her kids could keep their shoes so clean. I politely smiled all the while silently thinking, get down on your knees and thank the Lord your children are able to get their shoes dirty. What I wouldn’t give for Isabella’s shoes to be filthy. Why? Because that would mean she could play like normal kids, she could get dirty and not worry about her counts, not worry about potential life-threatening bacteria … just play. Then I realized I needed to get down on my knees and thank the Lord. I know there are countless parents out there who would give anything to have their children’s shoes be “clean” because that would mean they are still here, instead they have been taken from this earth. Cancer changes everything. Even the way you look at shoes.

When you finish reading this take a moment and go look at your children's shoes and say a prayer of Thanksgiving for them. For "clean & white" shoes, filthy shoes, outgrown shoes, and to grow into shoes. Give thanks for your children's need for shoes.

Good Night All! Hold your loved ones tight!

Sarah Regan
(Maria Holaday's past babysitter in Legend Hills)

Anonymous said...

I have been a follower of Sophie's site for a few months now. Such and awesome event you are doing in honor of a beautiful princess. I am sure that day will be filled with both joy and tears. But, be PROUD of what you are doing and all the awareness you are bringing out about brain tumors. Keep up the good work and I love the new site.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you in MI...hope you have as good of a Mother's day as you can.

Kelly said...

Even though I heard of Sophie after her passing, she has touched my life. I think of her every 6th (at least) of the month as that is when my baby was born - the day Sophie left this earth. It's weird to me how I stumbled here and keep coming back. I think of you all often.