Saturday, February 24, 2007

How is Sophie?

So how is Sophie? She seems to be doing better. Still a little off balance and her muscle control is weak on her right side. However, she is doing much better than she was on Wednesday at the hospital. Friday was a challenge because Sophie was not so happy about the continuous poking and prodding going on. She had a medi-port placed in her chest (so that medicines and sedation could be administered without putting the IV in every time) yesterday which required general anesthetic, and although she did fine, the recovery room and coming out of the anesthetic was difficult. She slept a lot yesterday and complained that the incision hurt her, and was still anxious to get the IV out of her hand. But this morning, after a pretty good night’s sleep in Mommy and Daddy’s bed, the difference is promising. She is still taking the steroid by mouth to help with the swelling on the brain (another blessing is that the swelling was minimal despite the rather large size of the tumor – 2 x 2 x 1 inches). And we are hoping to start the radiation this week at St. Jude’s - which we are told should make Sophie pretty close to the Sophie we once knew…the one she was this past summer.

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