Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thursday March 29, 2007

Hello again, family, friends and total strangers. I thought I would take a minute to give you a short update...if indeed I can keep it short, and if Sophie doesn't wake up and tell me "mommy, come to bed!"

My Mom gave an accurate description of the latest events, with a little more humor than you are used to getting from me. Sometimes I feel like I should be a little more optimistic, but in this situation it is hard. Although Sophie is responding well to the decrease in of tomorrow we are down to 2mg a day...she is still no where near her old self and that is so hard to see. On Tuesday her weight was up to 42 pounds. That us an increase of 6 pounds since she was first diagnosed; a lot of weight for a little person (not even 4 feet tall to gain). Her face is so puffy it looks painfully tight, and now her hair loss is unmistakable. Lucky for her it seems to be thinning the most at the base of her skull. We are sure the radiation is working because she is definitely better than she was when we first got here, but I am desperately wanting to see some resemblance of the "old Sophie".

When my Mom said she was adamant about not wanting to go to St. Jude everyday, that was an understatment. Sophie refuses to go and cries the entire hour prior to us leaving, the entire ride there, and pretty much every minute in the waiting rooms. I have tried every trick that I can think of to distract her; every now and then I get lucky for a few seconds, but then she will resume her whining and crying. Usually I cannot even get a word in. It can be very difficult and frustrating to convince your child to participate in the therapy activities while she whines and cries, and grimaces at the therapists.

On Tuesday morning my Mom, Sophie and I were headed to St. Jude (we were running late as we often are - regardless of how early we get up). I was driving -something I don't normally do since my Dad has been our valet, with curb side service. So I was speeding down the back road from Mud Island to St. Jude, and failed to stop at the stop sign, and didn't even know that I was being pulled over until the police car was literally riding my bumper and with lights on and sirens blaring. Sophie's screaming and crying was drowning out the sirens and proving to be a real distraction form the traffic laws that I should have been following. Anyway, I tried explaining to the officer where I was headed and why...what does Sophie do? She is quietly listening to our conversation the entire time, when at this point my Mom and I were actually hoping that she WOULD cry. Of course I didn't have my purse, wallet, or license...not sure why or how, but I didn't get a ticket...please keep praying for us.

We've still been dealing with Sophie's frustration because of her port. Just yesterday she asked me if her tummy would be "normal" when we returned to Avon Lake. I thought she was referring to her bloated belly, so I asked her "What do you mean?" She said, "will it be flat or will my port still stick out?" I didn't know how to tell her that it will remain there, because her treatment will not be finished once we leave St. Jude. I feel guilty "lying" to her, because in her mind, we'll melt the ice cube, and return home to life as we once knew it...God, I can only dream and pray that is the case.

I really don't have anything new to report. Some days and moments are surely better than others, and for a split second my mind will forget why I am here in Memphis, and then I look at Sophie's face and the pile of pills and medicine on the counter and I am instantly brought back to reality. More than anything I wish that modern medicine would find a cure for this horrible cancer. This is the worst imaginable, and not because we are living it, but because there are so many others out there living it too. Tonight, I ask you to tell everyone you know about this, in an effort to raise awareness about this tumor, and hopefully get the word out as a desperate cry for some kind of legislation that will provide the necessary funds to research this cancer. It just seems like there is not enough being done. For most people, when they think of getting a second or third opinion, they expect to hear something a little different. Everything we read and everyone we talk to tells us the same grim prognosis. Please continue to pray for Sophie's miracle as well as for a miracle for all the other children and families dealing with this monster.


Anonymous said...

Not a day goes by that thousands of people are not praying for Sophie and the other children with this "monster". You never know what the future holds, a miracle could be right around the corner for you all. Keep the faith.
We love you,
Misty, Doug, Elizabeth, Summer & Sienna

Unknown said...

I just wanted to tell you that not a day goes by that I don't think about all of you and pray for Sophie's miracle. Mrs. Miklaski did a fantastic job with the post on Wednesday. Emily, if it allows you to spend more playtime with Sophie, I think it's great to have your mom help you out with the updates sometimes. Have a wonderful weekend. I'm so happy that Marc will be back with all of you on Sunday. Enjoy the party that Sophie has planned!

Love, Tracy

Anonymous said...

We are looking forward to attending Sophie's benefit tonight. Although you will not be here to experience it in person, we know you will be able to feel the love and support-and celebration of Sophie!-all the way down in Memphis. We will give Marc a big hug to take back with him! Still waiting on a miracle,
Paula Koziol and family

Anonymous said...

Dear Quayle Family

What a beautiful little girl! I love the pictures. I have been donating to St. Jude’s since 2000 because I believe there is no nobler purpose than working to save children with terrible diseases. And each month they mail me a picture of one sweet soul that has been granted a miracle. I know that one day I will open that envelope and find a picture of your beautiful little girl. Until then, you will all be in our thoughts and prayers.

Your old friends and neighbors,
Rick and Holly

Anonymous said...

It is so wonderful that you have so many friends and family supporting you. The amazing thing is that there probably are even more "strangers" praying for Sophie than those you know. That is a wonderful gift from God. I continue to pray for Sophie and all of the children fighting this disease.

Betsy Kaiser

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Quayle,

You do not know me, [I'm one of the "total strangers"]but I just returned from the K of C fundraiser for Sophie. What an event! It truly was wonderful, and there were TON AND TON of people there. It was so great to see so many people come out to support your family.

My prayers continue for you and your family. Thank you for sharing your story and allowing us to pray for you.

With unending prayers for both Sophie and all the other children suffering this horrible thing,

Mary Grace Umerley

Anonymous said...


Wow! Daddy just can't believe how many people love you, and how many people are praying for you each and every day. I went to your fundraiser last night and was completely amazed and humbled by the support and love from so many people.

Sophie, I wish I could thank everyone individually, but so many people volunteered to help and make the event a reality. Scott & Elizabeth Gedeon were truly amazing. Sophie, they worked so hard to make sure everything was just perfect. But you know what? They were not alone. So many wonderful people helped and dedicated countless hours. The Knights of Columbus, the Avon Lake PTA, Holy Spirit, The people daddy works with, family, friends, the community...all these people gave of themselves to help you!

I can't wait to see you tonight. I miss you so much! Give mommy, grandma and grandpa, baby Sarah and Aunt Sarah a kiss for me. I'll see you tonight.


Anonymous said...

OH SOPHIE........ We love you so much. Thanks everybody. What a wonderful world.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking of you all at Marc's "party". I hope that he returned safely and I'm so glad that you're all together again. Your family is surounded by love and positive thoughts. Feel it and know that you are not alone. All my love and prayers, aunt Lynne

Anonymous said...

It must be so hard to stay positive and focused with all the reminders of Sophie's treatment all around you. You're doing a fantastic job! I'm sure Sophie will always remember how you supported her every step of the way.

I'm glad that you'll all be together again today, hopefully that'll give you renewed energy for the week ahead.

You're in our thoughts and prayers always,

Kim, Chris, Grace, Rea & Kayla

Anonymous said...

Dear Quayle Family!

I just wanted to tell you that I went to Sophie's fundraiser last night and it was fabulous! There were so many people there to show how much they love Sophie. I brought 2 of my children with me and my 4 year old son kept asking to meet Sophie. She is touching the lives of children she has never met. My 6 year old daughter bought an orange lamb and put a "Smiles for Sophie" bracelet on it as a collar "so that I always remember Sophie when I look at my lamb". My one son asked tonight if it would be okay to say his own prayer for Sophie ( we always have a standard prayer for Maria & Sophie). Of course I said Yes! He prayed "Dear God, please help Sophie get out of the hospital and come home soon to play. And for the doctors at the hospital to please make her better. Amen." He's never said a prayer that long.

I've always believed that God hears the prayers of children loud and clear.

Thank you for sharing Sophie with us and making others more compassionate.

Blessings to your family,
Betsy Kaiser

Anonymous said...

Quayle Family:

I just read your Easter entry and some of the preceeding entries and I am so impressed by your faith in God and your hope. You are clearly surrounded by loving family and friends and are in God's presence.

You are in my prayers and thoughts every day and I am hoping for the best for Sophie.

Hang in there and let me know if there is anything I can ever do to help.

God Bless You!


Anonymous said...

Hi don't know me, but my name is Frankie, and I have a friend that knows one of Sophie's grandparents in Trenton. She sent me the link to your website, and ever since I have been thinking about little Sophie every day. I have daugher who is almost exactly her age--born in 7/03--and looking at Sophie's photo album, it was like looking at my own. I can't even imagine what you are going through right now, but I want you to know you have made me hug my kids a little tighter each night. I am a SAHM, but I also sell kids party hats on ebay on the side. I would like to do at least one auction to benefit Sophie a week if it is ok with you. I have written my ebay boutique group asking for someone to donate a template, and am waiting to hear back from someone. I wanted to double check with you to make sure it is ok. I am planning on also trying to get anyone else I can to help as well. If you could please contact me when you get a second, to let me know all of this is ok with you, you can reach me at
Again, I am really sorry for all your family has had to go through.

Anonymous said...

Hi... My name is Lydia and a friend of mine from Riverview sent me your link... Sophie, you are a very special and strong little girl... I pray everyday for you to Jesus... Mom and dad, if you ever need to chat, my mother had glioblastoma multiform 2 yrs ago, my email is, my prayers are with you and all your family...