Tuesday, May 1, 2007

A Way to Help

Hi everyone,

We are grateful to all of you who have been so generous to us during this battle, and I just wanted to make you aware of a situation so that maybe you could help if you are called to do so.

I'm including a link to a website of a little girl who also has a DIPG. I actually had the chance to meet her and her mother the day before we left St. Jude. Her name is Dasia and despite the tumor and the prognosis she has been given, she is living without symptoms (and has been for over 2 years).

The reason I'm introducing you to her is because her family is going through some very difficult emotional and financial times...in addition to the daily struggles one is faced with when dealing with this medical battle. You can read her journal and find her address so that you can make a donation if you are willing and able.

Sophie had a better day. Her smile is not as big...but not because she isn't happy or having fun. We're still dealing with the same symptoms. We are placing our trust in God. My email from the "Purpose Driven Life" website was very profound and inspiring. It reminded me that I need to keep giving this situation over to God. You can read it below.

No matter how bad things get – God is still able to bring good out of it. Today, thank God that nothing – no disaster, no delay – is bigger that his ability to turn it into something good and godly.

· Thank God and let go – Thank God that he is sovereign over your past, your present, and your future.

Give God the circumstances, disasters, hindrances, hurts, and sins from your past.

Give God your current situation, your disasters, hindrances, hurts, and sins of today.

Praise God that he can work anything in your future for godly good, that you can walk in confidence that there is nothing anyone can do to you, or anything you can do that will be beyond the reach of God’s grace and redemption.

· Look for God’s hand – Walking by faith means you see God’s hand even in the most difficult of circumstances. You trust his ability and his willingness to transform the bad into godly good. God is not limited by people’s motives. In other words, it doesn't matter why someone hurt you, God still can transform a deliberate, mean-spirited situation into something for his good.

· What will you allow God to change? – There it is: some situation, or event, or person in your life that, as far as you can tell, was “meant for bad.” How do you think God meant it for good?

Ask God what he wants you to do with this situation (event or person). When he answers, do it. We’re praying for you now.
© 2007 Jon Walker. All rights reserved.

We continue to appreciate your thoughts and prayers. Please keep praying for Sophie's miracle, and really believe and place your trust in God, because miracles DO happen.


Anonymous said...

Dear Marc and Emily,
How blessed you are to have so great a faith in God. May we all heed the message of God's love and power. Go with God to Memphis tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Dear Emily,
I forgot to mention what a beautiful picture of you and Sophie. It's good to see the smiles. We all have "smiles for Sophie."

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that you have had to join the DIPG family, but I see already how you will help others who are traveling on this journey. Your faith and spirit continue to be an inspiration. My heart broke when I read Dasia's website the other day as I could sense her mom's frustration, but the words in your post will move me to action. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

We are with you every step of the way. We love you so very much. You are an inspiration to everyone who crosses your path.

Anonymous said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you today as you prepare to head to St. Jude. They will continue tomorrow as Sophie has her MRI. I am confident and faithful that the Lord will provide for her. I pray He can overcome your fears and bring you peace.

Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
(Joshua 1:9)

The LORD watches over you— the LORD is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night. The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
(Psalm 121:5-8)

Betsy Kaiser

Anonymous said...

Marc and Emily,
I have been reading your blog and am very inspired by your faith in the Lord as you walk through this difficult time. God is always in control if we let Him and it certainly sounds like you are doing that.Sophie is a beautiful little girl and I am praying for a miracle for her.

Anonymous said...

Dear Emily, Your precious daughter, your faith,strength, the love your beautiful family has for each other has changed me forever, and helped me to grow in my life. You, Emily, are one of God's miracles..... Make Sure Sophie pats down that dirt GENTLY around those new flowers. And, Sophie, don't overwater and keep an eye on your sister because you know she can wreak things. Wish I could be there to play with you and your grandpa.Sophie, have your dad show you what lilacs are. They smell soooo good. We'll all be there with you on Thursday. I live in Florida, and I'll throw an ice cube in my garden and watch till it melts away. For good. Please.

Anonymous said...


My family and I are still praying for you, your family and your beautiful daughter Sophie. I have been following the progress, and hope that she continues to heal.

Sophie, have your mommy tell you all the stories about how she and your Aunt Sara used to make me crazy when they played volleyball for me....you will laugh very hard. I see the picture of you and your mommy, and I had an instant flashback...take care sweetie

Scott Blanchard

Anonymous said...

Dear Emily, Marc, and Sophie,

As I write this, you are probably still flying to TN or have just arrived. I just wanted you to know that I have been thinking about you all day and have been saying some extra prayers for tomorrow's check-ups. I know miracles are a possibility and Sophie's going to be one of them. No matter what tomorrow brings, the strength you have shown throughout these last couple months and your faith will get you through. And of course, all of us who love you will keep on doing as we have since Feb. You have my continued promise to be there every step of the way, for whatever and whenever. I love you guys!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Marc and Emily and Sophie,
Sleep well tonight in God's hands. You are surrounded by the love and prayers of so many.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marc and Emily,
I have been following Sophies story for a while, and I have been wondering if I should leave a comment. For some reason, God told me today was the day.
I hope you find it comforting to know people you have never met are praying for your little girl. Besides, we are Catholics and one big family!!!
I am a teacher, and we lost a little girl in our school to DPIG this year. It is very small school so everyone felt the effects of the loss. It forever changed my life to share in her journey in such a small way. So much so, that I check websites of other kids who suffer DPIG so I can offer up prayers by name. I have two particular thoughts....
Yasmine did appear to get better when she returned from St. Judes. She was back in school for a few months and playing with her classmates. So don't lose hope. Enjoy all the time God gives you. Yasmine and her mom made so many precious memories before she went to Heaven. Take Care of your precious little girl, trusting that God will take care of you in return. Your faith expressed here is such a powerful witness.

Don't be too hard on yourself. You said that it its weighing on you that you put her through radiation for possibly nothing. You are doing the best you can for her. Imagine how you would have felt if you didn't take her to St Jude's? No beating yourself up here!!

St Judes is, as I sure you know the best place in the world for her to be. Knew research there is happening everyday. So do keep praying for that miracle, knowing that I am praying right along with you!!! ( and countless other people you have never met!)
God Bless<><
Your special prayer buddy in Charlotte NC

I am wondering if there is a St. Sophie or Sophia? I am going look that up. I should start a novena before the next MRI /

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you all in Memphis and as you return home with the miracle you so deserve. God bless you all with love and continued faith...

Tim, Barb & Patrick Fahey

Anonymous said...

Dear Marc and Emily,

I just wanted you to know that I've been praying since last night about little Sophie's results today. I pray that God will heal her and give you all the strength to deal with this. You're all in my thougths and prayers, especially that adorable little cherub, Sophie! She's looks like such a cutie (:

Molly (:

Anonymous said...

Marc & Emily,
You have been on our minds and in our prayers all day.We are hoping that the journey home is with news of a miracle in action.
Safe traveling under God's watch,
The Dorsky Family