Saturday, August 18, 2007

Home from Tulsa

Where and how to begin, I really don't know, but now that it's been 2 days since Emily asked me to do this for her, I can see just how difficult it is to find time to update, and my time is not nearly as consumed as hers is. Anyway, now that all the kids are in least for the time being, I am going to try and get a quick update posted, as I know many of you want to know how Sophie is doing.

As I write this, we (Marc, Emily, Sophie, Sarah, my parents, Zach and I) are all home at Emily and Marc's in Avon Lake. Sophie did complete 10 treatments in Tulsa, but then had a bad couple of days, taking a turn for the worse. It started with what Emily and Marc thought were some respiratory problems on Sunday, August 5th, as Sophie stopped breathing for about 30 secs after having a small meltdown. This was after some of her symptoms had started to worsen slightly (the drooling, the weakness, her speech) so Marc and Emily decided it would be best to be home. But then she bounced back a bit later that day, and Marc and Emily decided that Emily and Sophie would stay through the week for some more treatments. By this time my mom was out in Tulsa with Emily so Marc could go home to work. He took baby Sarah back to MI with him on Monday so she could stay with my dad instead of in Tulsa. Sophie did see a doctor in Tulsa that Monday, after the breathing episode the day prior, who told Emily that Sophie's lungs sounded clear. There was some possible issues with her port too, so after a day running around from hospital to hospital, an x-ray confirmed that everything was okay. After another day of treatments in Tulsa, Sophie started vomiting uncontrollably in the middle of the night, not even being able to keep water down. Again, another scary night and day for Emily and my mom, so they did one last treatment in Tulsa and headed home. That was on August 7th.

The first few days at home were rough for Sophie...still lots of vomiting, lots of sleeping, and worsening of the drooling, her speech, and her weakness, to the point where she is not walking at all. She still wasn't able to keep much of anything down and Emily was nervous about her hydration. The hospice nurses had come too, and said that as long as she is still urinating, she would be okay and that the decreased food intake wasn't really an issue just yet. They brought the oxygen and suction to the house, just in case. They also listened to her lungs and heart and said everything sounded good. Sophie has continued to do her treatments at home as her port is still accessed. She is over the half-way point with the treatments, during which time Emily has also continued to decrease the steroid. They were told in Tulsa that the steroid prevents the body from responding (to anything) like it normally would, so there was a chance that it would be working against the treatment. So, now she is on 0.5 mg, which is down from the 1.75 mg that she was on when they first went to Tulsa.

So, from day to day since then it has been up and down. Sophie spends much of the day in bed, restlessly sleeping. She continues to vomit daily, sometimes several times a day and night. Her speech is very difficult to understand, she is not walking or standing at all and is quite unsteady even when sitting. Her left hand, which has been the good hand, is also a bit shaky. She is showing some difficulty chewing and swallowing and at times her throat sounds rattly. It's so hard to say what is going on in her body, but she has shown some of the symptoms that many of the other cancer patients have experienced as their tumors lysed and were being killed off by this alternative treatment. Due to that, she has taken a day off here and there to allow her body to detox. Having been here for about a week now to help out, I can certainly say that some days are better than others. Some days when she does the treatment, she is vomiting non-stop and in bed all day, and some days are not so bad, with no vomiting at all. Mostly she just wants to stay in bed, but has had a few good days playing with my parents, Marc's parents, Emily's friends, Jen and Andrea, and even baby Sarah. Aside from her speech and sleeping at night getting progressively worse, her symptoms have been about the same for the last week or so. She is not eating nearly the amount of food she had been before, but has been able to keep small amounts of food down here and there.

At this point, the plan is to finish out the 36 treatments here at home and then go from there. Just today the hospice nurse came for a check-up and said Sophie's lungs still sound great, as does her heart, and her temp was just fine. We continue to hope and pray that this will be the answer to all of our and your prayers for Sophie. Please continue to pray for her, as well as Emily and Marc. Today was a bit of a tough day for Emily, as Sophie wanted only her. Up until today, Emily and Marc have been able to trade nights sleeping with Sophie and even myself, my mom, and my dad were able to do things for Sophie during the day, like potty breaks, and lying down for naps, but today she wanted nothing to do with anybody. Nights are really rough and are probably the hardest for Emily and Marc as she is very restless and just doesn't sleep. After a full day of tending to Sophie, a night without any quality sleep wears greatly. I can't even begin to imagine what is going through Sophie's head right now and I can't even imagine being in my sister's shoes. Days like today really wear on Emily, and her patience, courage, and strength are tested to the max. As always Emily and Marc are doing an amazing job with the hand they have been given, but they could never do it alone, so please keep sending your positive thoughts our way and keep the prayers coming.


P.S. Just another note to add, now that I am getting back to this post and yet another day has gone by. Today Sophie had a better day and left the house twice and sat outside on the back porch for a bit. She had a "morning with Daddy" as she and Marc went to First Watch for breakfast and to the book store for a couple of new books. She's usually not too excited about going out but agreed to the trip if Marc carried her everywhere instead of using the wheelchair. Then she, Emily, and my parents went to Malley's this evening to bring back surprise ice cream treats for everybody. That has been a routine occurrence over the last week or so and Sophie sure gets a kick out of passing out the surprise treats when they get home!! It's great to see her enjoy parts of the day, since so much of the last few weeks have really been tough on her. Although it's getting more and more difficult to understand what she's saying, she still doesn't miss a beat and surprises us with the cute things she says from time to time. Today I was rubbing her feet and legs (her favorite thing for me to do) while Emily took a shower, and Zach started fussing in the other room. I wasn't sure if Sophie heard him, but usually it means I have to go see if it's time for him to eat or what he needs. This time I kind of ignored it for a second so I didn't have to leave and stop rubbing Sophie's legs, and Sophie said to me, without even opening her eyes, "don't worry, he'll probably calm down soon." I just smiled and again said a small prayer that there will be many, many, many more "cute Sophie things" for me to hear!!


Anonymous said...

God Bless Marc,Emily,Sophie,Sarah and your families,
As hard as it is for all of you to help Sophie with the loving care you have shown. Marc and Emily God picked you to help Sophie threw this terrible ordeal. God couldn't trust Sophie's extreme care to anyone. God wanted Sophie to only have the best parents to fulfill his wishes.The Love, Courage and Strength you have shown is a exact example of the Perfect Parents.Never doubt any of your decissions for Sophie.
Prayers and Love are being sent to all of you daily especially for Sophie's Miracle still to come.
Thank you Sarah for the update, it helps those of us who check the site for even the slightest hope that the miracle is coming. And there is still alot of hope.
Kathy Auvil

Anonymous said...

Sophie is always with us and I can just see how cute those little sayings are. We have prayed that this treatment will work and that things will improve, but more importantly we are just praying for all of you and that God will provide you further strength, wisdom, SLEEP, patience and the ability to get through another have the most precious little girls and I look forward to seeing the post say Remission as I am believing this and speaking this over you all as God can do many things that we sometimes don't think are possible and with him anything is possible!!!!

Your always in our thoughts!


Jason, Cori, Savannah, Alex, Breanna and Lexi Bailey

Anonymous said...

Dear Quayle family and Sophie,

I pray so very hard for you little Sophie! I pray that these treatments in Tulsa are just what her little body needs to get rid of that nasty tumor once and for all. When I pray for all of you, I think of the verse in Isaiah 41:10..."Fear not for I am with you, do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strenghten you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous hand." That's what I pray, that God will remove any fear and anxiety you all have regarding Sophie and know He's holding her even now and will be with all of you.

Sophie's smile and story have worked their way into my heart and I am so hoping, praying, believing that she'll be fine. It's obvious that you are wonderful parents and are seeking everything and anything to help her. What a blessing she has to have you both for a mom and dad. Best wishes to you all and know that many, many prayers are being said for Sophie (and you all) here in Virginia! Keep positive and enjoy your little ray of sunshine called Sophie!

Molly (:

Anonymous said...

My family and I continue to pray for Sophie and all of you. I can't begin to imagine what you're going through but hope that knowing you are in so many thoughts and prayers helps in a small way.
May God bless you and continue to help you stay strong,
Avon Lake

Anonymous said...

I am sending my prayers to all of you. A stranger in Cincinnati who hopes the alternative treatment is the answer to our prayers.

Anonymous said...

I continue to pray for Sophie every day. May God Bless Everyone of you!!!
Jean, Avon Lake

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone
My name is Sherry I am a mom with 2 kids Phoenix Arizona, My heart goes out to all of you as does my prayers for everyone helping in this little angels fight.
My Prayer is that God will hold you all in the palm of his hand and strengthen each and everyone of you who are involved. I am beliving that God will cure little Sophi of this disease and restore her to the person she once was.I love her even tho ive never met her and send my love and hugs to her and to each of you.

Love Sherry

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Sarah, for the update on Sophie and your family. I'm so thankful that Sophie is surrounded by all of you. GOD BLESS you all and KNOW that we are all there with you in spirit and in love. I'm praying for your strength and for Sophie's MIRACLE. All my love, Aunt Lynne

Anonymous said...

I pray for Sophie often. she will make it. please keep the faith.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update. We continue to say "Sophie's Prayer" every night before we go to bed. Emily and Marc you are wonderful parents and you are blessed with an amazing family who love and support you. We will never give up HOPE and will continue to pray for Sophie's miracle. Hold on to the HOPE and to eachother.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marc and Emily,
I am always in awe about the many lives Sophie and you have touched when I read these posts. I have re-read, "The Brave Little Soul" so many times since Emily included it in one of her updates. That really says everything about all of you. I am so very proud of you and love you all so very much. Hold tight to your faith and to one another.

Rich said...

I want to let you know that I am thinking of Sophie and all of her family, we pray that God comforts all of you and that the Sophie feels a little better each day. My 8 year old son Matthew earned his wings this March 17th after a courageous 17 month battle against this tumor. I know how hard this has to be on all of you, especially Sophie.

God Bless.

Rich (Angel Matthew's Dad)

Anonymous said...

Princess Sophie,

I am praying for you every day and sending you (((Angel Hugs))) and butterfly kisses every day.

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you everyday and pray that Sophie's Miracle is one that is answered soon! Stay strong in your faith...God is all around you and always will be. God Bless!

Prayers from Kansas!

Anonymous said...

Sophie & family are in my prayers.
-A Stranger from Chicago IL

Anonymous said...

Dear Quayle Family,
As always you and your loved ones are an inspiration to many. Please know that prayers rise for you daily! ALL of you are in our prayers. Continued belief in the miracle!
Pat Kassay

emily anna said...

I am praying for Sophie. God is in control, and He is holding Sophie in his arms.
Fort Worth, TX

emily anna said...

I am praying for Sophie. God is the great healer, and I know that He is holding Sophie in His arms.
Fort Worth, TX

sunShine said...

Thank you for the update. Sophie and the whole family are in my prayers everyday.

Anonymous said...

Marc and Emily, You both are such an inspiration to so many of us out here. Your faith is truely AWESOME. You ALL have changed lives. Never give up hope. Your miracle could come today. I'm praying for our little Sophie. Love Aunt Lynne

Unknown said...

Just a note to let you know I'm thinking about you and praying for you. May the Lord continue to bless you with exactly those things He sees you stand in need of. You are a beautiful Child of God and He loves you very much.

Praying for you today and every day.

Sending you oodles of Angel Hugs, Praises and Prayers.

"The Lord is my shepherd."

Anonymous said...

I hope that your search for alternative treatments has gone well for you this week! We're praying for you always.

The Walters family

Isaiah 41:10 "Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."

Sara said...

Sending you good thoughts and prayers every day, Sara

Anonymous said...

Jude 21 Keep yourselves in the love of God.
Praying for YOU Sophie.
Marnie from Angel_Wings

Anonymous said...

We love you, Sophie.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update and keeping all of us posted on Sophie...

Please know thoughts and prayers are with you everyday. Continue to gain strength from all of us who keep you close to our hearts and prayers.

Maxine Yetter from Riverview and Hale

Anonymous said...

I keep a picture of Sweet Sophie on my computer here at work and all of us here are praying for all of you; For Sophie's miracle,and for your strength and your unity as you fight this awful battle. You are NOT alone. Love, Aunt Lynne

Anonymous said...

Thinking of Sophie and her family today. I am sending prayers and positive thoughts that Sohpie is having a good day.

Always praying for answers and Sophie's miracle because God Is our Hope.

God is our hope and strength,
a very present help in trouble.
Psalms 46:1

Betsy Kaiser

Anonymous said...

Our good thoughts ans prayers are with you everyday. Your love and dedication inspires so many people everyday. You have created a strong circle of hope, faith and joy that encircles your sweet daughter and your precious family. We are with you and God is carrying you in every way.

Jim, Rita, Chelsea & Colin Angle
Grand Blanc, Michigan

Anonymous said...

We are praying that Sophie is showing signs of recovery. Please let us know if there is ANYTHING we can do to help.
The Ashtons
Your Leeward Court Neighbors

Anonymous said...

We continue to pray for you and your miracle. Emily and Marc - we pray for your continued strength. Thank you for the update Sarah. You all are in our thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

Marc,Emily and Sophie,
Love and Prayers continue to all of you daily for Sophie's Miracle and the strength you need to get through the daily stress and pain.
Kathy Auvil

Anonymous said...

We love you guys. You are never out of our thoughts and we continue our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Prayers, hope and faith sent from another stranger in Cincinnati. I will keep praying for Sophie's Miracle. You have touched so many with your wonderful spirit and your incredible family. Be blessed. I check the page so often and pray for Sophie!

Anonymous said...

Marc and Emily, Sophie and Sarah, and your entire family, You are in my thoughts and prayers throughout every day and at night I think about how Sophie is in bed with one of you or all of you surrounded by love and warmth and so well taken care of. God surely knew the PERFECT family to care for his PERFECT little angel. So many people are with you all in spirit and in love. God bless you ALL. Sophie's great aunt, Lynne

Anonymous said...

Sophie has been in my prayers day & night. I BELIEVE. Prayer works and God listens.
God be with all of you,
Debbie in Chandler Arizona

Anonymous said...

Prayers from Geneva, IL, know you are held tight in prayer -

Anonymous said...

Dear Sophie,

Stay strong! You are such a beautiful little girl and you are in my thoughts and prayers. There are so many people who love you! Sometimes it's hard to hold on to your faith, but that's what faith is all about. Good luck Sophie!

A friend from Westwinds and Cincinnati