We arrived back from our family vacation in Florida followed by a quick one day stop in Memphis for a routine MRI. I wish I could say that the results were good, but that would mean the tumor is gone, and devastatingly, it is still there. The doctor told us that the 3 areas of necrosis that were seen in her May MRI are still present and "angry". He was surprised that they haven't "settled down" yet. In addition, one more area of "enhancement" appears within the tumor. (On an MRI, areas of enhancement are white due to the contrast dye that is used.) We were informed that this can mean one of two things, 1- the tumor is showing new growth, or 2- a new area of necrosis is developing. Of course we hope for #2, but even if that is the case, we need the necrosis to go away so that her symptoms will improve. As far as the size of the tumor, it appears a little larger, but again may be due to the bulging areas of necrosis within the tumor.
She had a few vomiting episodes before our trip to Florida and while we we there, she was throwing up every other day. Some days she says that her head hurts too, but other times she just vomits. She continues to struggle walking; due to the tumor, her weight gain, and her balance. Her right arm and hand are bent and tight to her chest. Her best times are in the morning, which are sometimes as early as 4:00 am, but then she tires out by mid morning. Her energy has been low, and most of the time in Florida, she wanted to do "fun things" but once we did, she was tired and wanted to rest. We do continue to swim, which she enjoys. We just can't believe the difference in her in the pool this year, as compared to years past.
The MRI also showed a new area of swelling, which is responsible for the pressure related symptoms of headaches and vomiting. We were advised to bump her decadron (steroid) back up to 1.5mg a day. This was particularly disheartening, because our goal has always been to get her off the steroid so that she may be a little more like her old self. We were told that her symptoms should improve with the increase in steroid...she has had less headaches, her energy has been better, and so has her appetite. When she has a headache, she asks for an "applesauce bite" to make her better. We were also told that if the tumor is growing, her symptoms will appear and worsen pretty quickly.
Her brace and new thumb split are in, unfortunately Sophie is not the least fond of them. We are supposed to be working up to wearing both during all waking hours, but because of the struggle, we have been doing an hour here and an hour there. It is amazing how much better her limp is when she wears the brace, but because it feels funny to her, she doesn't like it.
Sophie celebrated her 4th birthday first in Florida with a "combo" themed party thrown by Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Matt and Uncle Charly. They went all out and decorated the condo to the hilt! We had all the necessary supplies, complete with pinata, birthday hats, and blowers. We all had noodles with sauce and grapes and carrots for dinner because that is what Sophie wanted, and then since Sophie wanted a "Pooh" cake, we had that for dessert. Maybe Aunt Sarah can post a picture!
The birthday finale was on Wednesday the 4th with a party attended by many of the people who are special to Sophie. She had fun, and says she can't wait until she turns five! We ended up doing another Dora themed party, and we had the decorations to prove it. Very gaudy...just as any 4 year old (or kid birthday) party should be! I would include some pictures, but I haven't downloaded any because I haven't had my USB cord since our days in Memphis. I promise to get that all straightened out soon!
A super HUGE thank you to my good friend Andrea Segedi who pulled off the Carrabbas fundraiser, which I am told was a great success met with wonderful people and great food. I could begin to include all others who I know helped, but I would hate to leave someone out. Again, we want to say how humbled and grateful we are for the constant love, prayers and support from so many of you.
We are headed to Florida once again this Sunday for Sophie's Make-a Wish trip. The 3 of us are going on a 4 day, 3 night Disney cruise to the Bahamas and Disney's own island. We are all excited; even Sophie and we hope that our travels now will be easier since we have a wheelchair for transport. I never thought I would be happy to have my child in a wheelchair, but it is getting increasingly difficult to lift and carry Sophie. Her weight gain to date is 15 pounds since diagnosis just over four months ago.
There are so many more small details I could include, but finding the time to update has been increasingly difficult. Even though Sophie's symptoms are evident, when I lay down with her at night and we talk about the day, it is easy for me to forget our situation, if only for a minute. Her wit and charm make me smile in the darkness when my eyes cannot see the effects of the tumor. I am so grateful for our time together and enjoy laying awake with her even though I know her usual midnight, 2am and 4 am wakings will be here as soon as I close my eyes! I hope you understand our updating delays, but because we know there are many of you that care, we will try to be more diligent.
Sophie rarely complains about her situation, and doesn't ask us why this is happening to her. I guess that because our memories of being 3 aren't that clear, she doesn't really remember what she used to be like. I like to think of her as a brave little soul. Many of you have read the following passage before, but I came across it again the other night, and thought it was worth sharing.
The Brave Little Soul
By: John Alessi
Not too long ago in Heaven there was a little soul who took wonder in observing the world. He especially enjoyed the love he saw there and often expressed this joy with God. One day however the little soul was sad, for on this day he saw suffering in the world. He approached God and sadly asked, "Why do bad things happen; why is there suffering in the world?" God paused for a moment and replied, "Little soul, do not be sad, for the suffering you see, unlocks the love in people's hearts." The little soul was confused. "What do you mean," he asked. God replied, "Have you not noticed the goodness and love that is the offspring of that suffering? Look at how people come together, drop their differences and show their love and compassion for those who suffer. All their other motivations disappear and they become motivated by love alone." The little soul began to understand and listened attentively as God continued, "The suffering soul unlocks the love in people's hearts much like the sun and the rain unlock the flower within the seed. I created everyone with endless love in their heart, but unfortunately most people keep it locked up and hardly share it with anyone. They are afraid to let their love shine freely, because they are afraid of being hurt. But a suffering soul unlocks that love. I tell you this - it is the greatest miracle of all. Many souls have bravely chosen to go into the world and suffer - to unlock this love - to create this miracle for the good of all humanity."
Just then the little soul got a wonderful idea and could hardly contain himself. With his wings fluttering, bouncing up and down, the little soul excitedly replied. "I am brave; let me go! I would like to go into the world and suffer so that I can unlock the goodness and love in people's hearts! I want to create that miracle!" God smiled and said, "You are a brave soul I know, and thus I will grant your request. But even though you are very brave you will not be able to do this alone. I have known since the beginning of time that you would ask for this and so I have carefully selected many souls to care for you on your journey. Those souls will help you create your miracle; however they will also share in your suffering. Two of these souls are most special and will care for you, help you and suffer along with you, far beyond the others. They have already chosen a name for you". God and the brave soul shared a smile, and then embraced.
In parting, God said, "Do not forget little soul that I will be with you always. Although you have agreed to bear the pain, you will do so through my strength. And if the time should come when you feel that you have suffered enough, just say the word, think the thought, and you will be healed." Thus at that moment the brave little soul was born into the world, and through his suffering and God's strength, he unlocked the goodness and love in people's hearts. For so many people dropped their differences and came together to show their love. Priorities became properly aligned. People gave from their hearts. Those that were always too busy found time. Many began new spiritual journeys, some regained lost faith - many came back to God. Parents hugged their children tighter. Friends and family grew closer. Old friends got together and new friendships were made. Distant family reunited, and every family spent more time together. Everyone prayed. Peace and love reigned. Lives changed forever. It was good. The world was a better place. The miracle had happened. God was pleased.
One last thing...about a month ago, we received Sophie's "Song of Love" and I have been meaning to put the directions on here so you can check it out if you are interested. Go to www.songsoflove.org and click on the Family and Friends download link. Type in the last name Quayle and then use 11681 for the record number. You must make a minimum donation of 99 cents to hear the song. It certainly makes us smile when we listen to the words and relive memories of our old Sophie. Hopefully you will find the cause worthy and make the donation to hear it.
We ask for your continued prayers for Sophie's miracle and for all the other children and families living this nightmare. We thank you for your love and support, and promise to update once we return from our trip. God bless.
Dearest Marc and Emily,
Your journey and Sophie's has touched lives all over the world. She is our very own brave, little soul and we are forever changed. I have never heard even one word of self-pity or complaint from either of you and it's your courage that keeps us strong. We can't begin to tell you how much we love you all.
I have been watching your blog daily for updates on your precious Sophie. Don't focus on that right now though. Enjoy every moment with your family and we will continue to be in prayer for Sophie. The Lord knows the plans he has for each of us and we must trust in Him. This is DEFINITELY easier said than done. Please do enjoy your vacation to Disney. I will pass on your blog to all those that I know and let's get this prayer started more than ever.
Just wanted to let you know that we are praying for Sophie and family in Athens, GA!
Sophie in herself is a miracle. Lots of Love,Prayers and wishes for Happiness go with you on your Disney Cruise and always.
Kathy A.
Our thoughts remain with all of you. Hoping you enjoy the cruise and create lots of wonderful memories.
Paula and family
I'm thinking of you three on your trip. You all have been such an inspiration and the bravery you have shown throughout this whole nightmare is something that will never leave me. Enjoy every minute of your time together and be sure that my prayers for you all will continue EVEN STRONGER. Tell Minnie Mouse I said "hello", Sophie All my love to you, Aunt Lynne
I am sorry that the MRI results were not what you had hoped for. I continue to pray for Sophie every day. God Bless.
Sophie has definitely touched so many lives - I know that she (and all of you) have certainly touched mine. The courage, strengh, and faith I see as you travel through this journey is amazing.
I thought of you guys on the 4th, imagining how Sophie was spending her birthday. It sounds like she had amazing parties. Happy 4th birthday, Sophie!
I hope you have a wonderful time on your Disney cruise - I'm sure Sophie will love it. Many prayers for safe travels and, of course for Sophie's miracle, are with you every day.
And one more thing Em...please don't put too much pressure on yourself regarding the frequency of the updates. Yes, we all care very much and are always anxious to hear how Sophie and all of you are doing. However, your focus should be on your family right now. I'm sure everyone understands.
Thank you for the update. We think of Sophie everday. While we appreciate your updates, your family is very precious and the quality time you have with them is much more important than updates. You should not be so hard on yourself.
Have a great trip. We will be thinking of Sophie.
Thinking of Sophie from East Moline, Illinois
While reading the latest update on Sophie, I thought of a quote that I found a few months ago on the internet when I was thinking about my friend who has cancer and is also fighting for her life as well as my friend who passed away from cancer 2 years ago. I wanted to share this quote with you guys:
"Children with cancer are like candles in the wind who accept the possibility that they are in danger of being extinguished by a gust of wind from nowhere and yet, as they flicker and dance to remain alive, their brilliance challenges the darkness and dazzles those of us who watch their light"
(I'm friends with a girl who did a fund raiser for Sophie)
Hi Marc and Emily,
We met your family on the cruise and I was instantly taken by Sophie, I was one of probably several that talked to you all but I was the one with 4 kids from Texas. I just want you to know that we will continue to pray for your family and for Sophie. Your family is beautiful and I just hope that the situation turns out positive for you all. She is a beautiful little girl and will be in our family hearts and prayers daily as we follow you all. We will also be making a donation to you all and we thank you for making us remember how special every day, month and year is with our kids!
Jason and Cori Bailey
Hello Marc and Emily:
I am sure you guys are as exhausted as we are after all that Disney entails, but I wanted you to know that Michael saw Sophie's photo from dinner on the wall where you purchase the pictures, then read her story here. I've never seen him so "out of himself" before. What I mean by that is he is so concerned about your little one, and was so disappointed he missed meeting her "just so he could have fun". I told him that was why he was there-to have fun, but he still felt badly.
Anyway, you guys are all a part of our prayers each night; we pray for God's will for you and for the good, bright days you will continue to enjoy with Sophie.
Christi and Michael French
We know that Maria and her family have become very special to you and that this must be such a difficult time right now. We are praying that you find peace and comfort.
Paula and family
Dear Marc & Emily,
Our family is holding you very close in prayer today. We hope the love and hope we were engulfed in this morning made it's way to your home and to precious Sophie.
Stay strong and believe in Sophie's Miracle.
The Dorsky Family
Emily and Mark,
I saw that Maria passed away last night. I'm sure you are really having a hard time as I'm assuming you have grown close to Maria and her family. I just wanted to say that I am sorry for everyone's loss and my thoughts are with you.
Julie Bell, Michigan
Emily and Marc,
Thinking of you and the girls this Sunday. Read about Maria today, and and I know she was a part of your family too. Sophie is Always, Always, Always... in our prayers.
Ed, Andrea and the kids,
Emily and Marc,
Its the Bailey Family from Texas and the Disney Cruise. I have not stopped crying since reading and learning about little Maria, but I continue to BELIEVE in God's best for Sophie and that God's healing power can will be shown. I know words can't make you feel better right now but I know that you have our church of Celebration Covenant praying for Sophie! if you read this our email is jasonandcori@tx.rr.com and we would love to hear from you. The kids have made Sophie some drawings and we would love to scan and email to you all :)
Beliving in God's Best,
Jason and Cori Bailey
I was so so sorry to read about beautiful Maria on Sat. I'm so sorry about it all and everything that all you families are going through. It all is beyond words. You all are in my thoughts and prayers every day. I still pray for a miracle and for your strength and for your unity as a family and for us all as we struggle in this life.
The BRAVERY and LOVE I've seen on these sites give me hope about people and things. I hope that this makes some sense. Proudly, Sophie's Aunt Lynne
Sophie and Family-
Hi. I have been hearing all about Sophie through the website and your neighbors down the street. Sophie sounds like a smiling, happy, fun girl. You are lucky to be her parents. I will continue my support for Sophie for forever.
Your Neighbor
P.S. Happy Belated Birthday Sophie!!
I think about Sophie everyday and pray for her miracle.
Michelle (Cleveland Airport Marriott)
Emily and Marc,
You are in our thoughts and prayers. We have asked our guardian angels to look after you each night and day!
Love, The Flahertys
Hi Quayles
We hope you had a wonderful Disney Cruise. We pray for you every night and you are never far from our thoughts. We hope you are having a fun summer together. Blessings and Peace,
the Van Euwen Family
You are always in my prayers. Words cannot express my sorrow for the loss of Maria. I know that you must be devasted. I will always be here for anything you guys need, even if it is just prayers and positive thoughts.
Love, Misty
We hope you all enjoyed your Disney cruise and were able to create some great memories! We contine to keep Sophie and your family in our thoughts and prayers. Continuing to pray for the miracle that you all deserve.
God Bless,
Jamie & Corey Rush
I recently saw Sophie when we went to lunch. She looks like an angel. She is beautiful! Good luck and God bless!
Dear Quayle Family,
I've been following both Sophie and Maria's blogs for some time and was just devastated to learn of Maria's passing. I want you to know that I'm still praying hard for Sophie and her miracle. I'm sure you all must be hurting for Maria's family but keep trusting in God to make Sophie well. The tears just kept coming when I read Maria's update Saturday and I immediately thought of your family and little Sophie. I'm sure it must seem strange to have someone you've never even met praying for your daughter's health but her story and smile has captured my attention! I hope she's doing well and that you're all holding up under the sad circumstances. You're all in my thoughts and prayers! I hope it's some comfort that others are thinking and praying for her. She's a cutie and I can't imagine how hard this all must be for her and you all. I myself have 3 little girls and hold them tighter when I think of Sophie and Maria. God bless you all.
Sending our love and hope today and always.
Paula and family
You do not know me but please know that I pray for you daily. I did however know Maria, the two of those girls are so remarkable. Please take comfort in the fact that you have a community of people who are supporting you all of the time.
Keep the Faith!
Marc and Emily,
I hope you enjoyed your time together on your cruise. We continue to pray for your family and that miricle. Thank you for sharing the "Brave Little Soul" story again. It brought tears to my eyes for all the truth that is in it. God bless you on this journey that you have been taken down.
The Mack Family (Kansas City)
Quayle Family,
Marc, this is Andy McGarry from Clio, MI. I havent talked with you
in so long. I wish I could correspond under different circumstances... My heart aches for you and your family (we have two little girls also). My faith journey over the past 10 years has led me to realize that our lives are lived to love others and leave a legacy for our families. Your little girl is already leaving a legacy in the lives of people around her. We don't know why the Lord chooses to heal some and not others. It is a mystery to me, especially when it comes to little children, but I am believing your little girl will be a testimony of the healing that only Jesus can bring. My wife and I, along with many others, are believing for a miracle. I know you are too... Just keep Jesus at the front of your journey and he will make sure your hearts and minds are protected. He will give you the grace and strength to see this through... Give Sophie a hug for us..and tell her she is loved by people who havent ever met her...
Be blessed my friend and touch base if you get a chance..
In Christ,
Andrew & Lisa McGarry
You never leave my thoughts.
Dear Marc, Emily, Sophie, and Sarah,
We are thinking about your family so much since we heard about little Maria. Your strength and beautiful writing is amazing. I'm sure it takes a lot to share things about the journey you're on. I think about Sophie and I just want to hug her. It makes me laugh to think about her saying how her lemon and water was "a heck of a combo!" Keep hoping, keep praying, and know that there are so many people out there doing the same. Sophie is so very loved. I certainly believe in the miracle your family so much deserves.
Emily and Geoff
Just read about your beautiful Sophie. I live in Memphis and know of the wonderful work St. Jude has going on. God also has wonderful work going on. You are in our prayers. We Believe in the power of prayer. God Bless you.
Hugs from the Hinton family.
I just heard of your brave little girl through another blog. I have spent the last few hours reading through your story...I am truly moved and amazed by it all. What a strong one Sophie is! Your entire family will be in my prayers daily...I pray that God gives you strength, courage, and peace. Sophie is in the good hands of God...he works miracles and I pray that he works one for Sophie. God Bless!
Lemon and water,surprisingly, IS a "heck of a combo!" What a little cutie! I hope the Ohio summer has been warm and sunny. Enjoy! You have so many people praying for you,little one. Your great aunt Lynne
I found you through another site. I have just been catching up on your story. I will add you to our prayer list. Just keep the faith, God is a miracle worker.
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